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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why does time fly by so fast.....

I am feeling a bit emotional as in a couple days I age one more year....SO WHAT?  BIG DEAL?  That is what I have always said in the past....but I am starting to feel differently; in fact, I am feeling a bit anxious and scared.  I do not want to grow older.  I have so enjoyed being in my 20's and early 30's.....I have so enjoyed people mistaking me for a 25 year old....even with 7 children.  But, the early signs of aging have appeared and being a redhead, perhaps they are appearing too soon.  My husband made the comment the other day that perhaps I should look into something to help the wrinkles under my eyes....Are they really that bad?  Aren't they laugh marks?  I look at myself every morning and see the bags and wrinkles and it makes me sad.  I guess this makes me a bit vain; but I guess it is ok because the only one who cares is ME.  I will take this moment and be as vain as I want as I wallow in the thought of aging.  I love the way I look....I do not want to wrinkle up and look scares me to death.  I have taken up running, something I have hated to do all my life, and it makes me feel young; but why doesn't my face express how I feel inside???  So....37 it is on Monday; my husband is turning 40 this year and looks younger than I do....  Where has time gone?  There isn't enough time to enjoy each living year, to enjoy everything around us, to enjoy every thought processed in our heads, to enjoy every adventure that is put forth in front of us.  So....for now, I am sad and I think that is ok....


  1. i think you are beautiful! ~ashley

  2. I second Ashley's comment! Beautiful, young, fun-loving, adventurous, energetic, loving, hmmm.... I'm running out of adjectives. You silly... you get more beautiful everyday. And I think Gordon looks WAY older than you do :)
    Hang in there and HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!


